Bee Schadeck Keynote Speaker for Alberta School Boards Association

Bee Schadeck is the keynote speaker for the school boards gathering for spring meeting.

ASBA LogoThree hundred and sixty trustees and senior school board staff from Alberta’s francophone, public and separate school boards will meet June 6 to 7 at the Capri Conference Centre in Red Deer. The theme of the Alberta School Boards Association’s Spring Meeting is Walk a mile in my shoes: Seek first to understand and features speakers from the Hutterite, Aboriginal and high risk youth communities.

Highlights Monday June 6

8:30 a.m.   ASBA President Jacquie Hansen speaks about the state of education in Alberta.
9:00 a.m.   Education minister Dave Hancock speaks.
9:30 a.m.   Keynote speaker Mary-Ann Kirkby, author of I am Hutterite.
7:30 p.m.   Keynote speaker Bee Calliou Schadeck Aboriginal awareness.

Highlights Tuesday June 7

Workshops and information sessions are the order of the day on Tuesday including:
Update Department of education: Deputy minister Keray Henke
Uncensored: High Risk Youth Speak
Breaking down barriers: Education and Aboriginal communities
Governance as leadership: Focused on student success

Media kits will be available onsite.

Media are welcome to attend.

For more information:
Suzanne Lundrigan, ASBA Communications at 1.780.819.1361 or 1.780.451.7122.

Bee Schadeck Instructing at Canadian Association of Petroleum Landman

Bee Schadeck will be co-instructing a session at the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landman.


November 10, 2015 from 8:30am to 12:00pm


This session is especially useful for those interacting with Aboriginal governments, businesses and communities, and helps in building positive relationships to enhance effectiveness with Aboriginal people.


For many Canadian businesses, there is a lack of understanding of issues facing Aboriginal communities or Aboriginal employees within their organization.  Understanding where and how Aboriginal people live, and why there are ongoing issues that “just don’t seem to go away” is a first step to building successful relationships.

Understanding historical, social and cultural differences and areas of common ground can help companies build successful relationships necessary for meaningful and long-term relations with Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal employees.  Aboriginal Awareness training provides a basis of understanding of those issues to enable employers to develop strategies to improve both internal and external relationships with Aboriginal peoples.

The session provides participants with a broad overview of a number of topics including:

  • Pre-contact and colonization overview
  • Treaties, Indian Act
  • Assimilation and Residential Schools
  • Defining Canada’s Aboriginal people (including Indian, Metis and Inuit)
  • Aboriginal groups and treaty areas in Alberta
  • Legal issues and consultation

Registration Fee includes beverages and snacks.


Bee Calliou-Schadeck – Calliou Group

Bee has many years of experience bringing people together from all walks of life.  Bee’s specialty is delivering Aboriginal Awareness training with laughter, personal experiences and understanding.  She is a member of the Michel First Nation, Treaty #6.  Bee has over 35 years of varied experience in the corporate world; she began her career as a laboratory technician in 1985 and has been working in Aboriginal Relations since 1992.  Bee is currently employed part time as Devon Canada’s Senior Aboriginal Relations Advisor; she splits her time between Devon and offering Aboriginal Awareness sessions to a variety of companies and organizations.

Bee has had the opportunity to act as a speaker and facilitator at seminars, conferences, churches, colleges, universities, schools, the RCMP and numerous oil and gas companies.  Bee has also been honoured by being given the role of Elder at various functions.

Germaine Conacher – Calliou Group

Germaine brings experience working with numerous Aboriginal Nations in western Canada as well as for working for industry and government on Aboriginal consultation initiatives.  Germaine has experience conducting Traditional Land Use Studies with Nations in central and northern Alberta as well as northeastern and coastal British Columbia.  Germaine’s current projects include:  managing the Crown-Aboriginal consultation for a large scale transmission line in Manitoba, coordinating public and Aboriginal consultation for oil sands clients and conducting Traditional Land Use Studies for Nations in western Canada.  Germaine has presented on Aboriginal consultation for several companies and organizations.

Visit Landman for more information or to register.

Aboriginal Awareness Session at Northland School

Bee Schadeck provides a session for students and teachers at Northland School.

Below is what Northland School representatives said of the session:

Another impactful session was performed by Center of the Sky Founder Bee Calliou. Bee provided valuable information about historical relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and how it impacted the Royal Proclamation, the Canadian Constitution, the creation of treaties and residential schools. Ravindra Somwaru, who is teaching at Kateri School in Trout Lake this year, says the orientation was an eye-opening experience.

Bee Schadeck Northland School
Maureen Chernipeski, Bee Schadeck & Randy Chernipeski

The orientation was very informative, engaging and enlightening,” said Somwaru. “It provided invaluable information about the protocols in the community, First Nations’ culture and an opportunity to learn from people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience working within the communities.”